Paratiphia fuscipennis Cameron, 1905:100, ♀. ♀, San Marcos, Nicaragua (leg. Prof. C.F. Baker); Allen, 1962Allen, H.W. 1962. Types of Tiphiinae in the British Museum (Natural History). Transactions of the American Entomological Society 88:21-75.:59, Type ♀ (British Museum (Natural History), Hym. 15.1196); Allen, 1968Allen, H.W. 1968. A monographic study of the genus Paratiphia. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 94:25-109.:106, Holotype ♀ (British Museum (N.H.)). - Maes, 1999 1999. Catalogo de los insectos y artropodos terrestres de Nicaragua. Volumen III. León, Nicaragua. 1170-1898. (distribution).
Paratiphia erythroura Cameron, 1907:170, ♀.San Marcos, Nicaragua (leg. Baker); Allen, 1962Allen, H.W. 1962. Types of Tiphiinae in the British Museum (Natural History). Transactions of the American Entomological Society 88:21-75.:59, Type ♀ (British Museum (Natural History), Hym. 15.1221). Synonymized with Paratiphia fuscipennis Cameron, 1905 by Allen, 1962Allen, H.W. 1962. Types of Tiphiinae in the British Museum (Natural History). Transactions of the American Entomological Society 88:21-75.:58. - Allen, 1968Allen, H.W. 1968. A monographic study of the genus Paratiphia. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 94:25-109.:106 ( listed as synonym of Paratiphia fuscipennis Cameron, 1905); Maes, 1999 1999. Catalogo de los insectos y artropodos terrestres de Nicaragua. Volumen III. León, Nicaragua. 1170-1898.:1719 ( listed as synonym of Paratiphia fuscipennis Cameron, 1905).